LED electrical and optical parameters are traditionally measured using test current pulses that last 20ms. Until recently, this approach has provided sufficiently accurate measurements. Today’s LEDs require updated measurement methods for proper characterization. “Short Pulses For Better Measurements” available in April/May LEDs Magazine, discusses those trends, and it presents the industry’s first response: improved short-pulse measurement methods. This article, authored by Jeff Hulett, explains why short pulses will achieve more accurate optical measurements. 

The IES and CIE are Shortening the Test Pulses Used for LED Measurements.

To get short pulse measurements, equip your lab with a Vektrex SMU.  

Contact Vektrex for more information.

About Jeff Hulett

Jeff Hulett is the Founder and CTO of Vektrex Electronic Systems, Inc. Because of his vision and leadership, the company grew from a start-up to the market leader. Currently, Hulett is the Chief Architect for Vektrex products placing the highest emphasis on technology and quality. Hulett holds a BSEE from the Illinois Institute of Electronics, and has been awarded four U.S.patents. He is a member of the Illumination Engineering Society of North America (IESNA), and chairs the IESNA LM-80 working group that is focused on LED flux maintenance testing. He has been active in the LED testing and reliability field since 2004.