Jeff Hulett offers approach to reduce industry-wide errors associate with LED light measurements.

In Jeff Hulett’s latest article, published in Pennwell’s LEDs Magazine, he identifies the source of wide-spread measurement errors in the LED industry, details measurement methods that can help reduce these errors, and provides guidelines to ensure that LEDs are not undervalued.

LED light measurements are plagued by a 4% measurement error that makes it nearly impossible to gauge the true output power of devices. While some companies try to estimate the error and adjust their measurements accordingly, this has not proved to be an effective solution due to a lack of precise measurement timing and unpredictable junction temperature rise.

Hulett states that using LM-85’s Continuous Pulse measurement method is the first step to accurately measuring LED light output. However, although this method has proved to be the most accurate of the LM-85 measurement methods, Continuous Pulse introduces unique errors which must be quantified and minimized before it can be used for practical measurements.

Hulett identifies the errors associated with Continuous Pulse, including rise time, pulse width, and timing accuracy, and provides solutions to account for and minimize them.

To learn how to improve LED light measurements and choose the best LED measurement equipment, read the full article originally published in the March issue of LEDs Magazine.

Download the full press release here.