STARS Test and Reliability Software Application is an easy to use comprehensive software application. STARS (SpikeSafe Test and Reliability Software Application) manages 1 to 1024 independently controlled source channels enabling unattended, automated operation of reliability, burn-in, LM-80, IEC-Q102 and other semiconductor device specific tests. With STARS, users Configure, Control, Monitor and Manage hundreds of simultaneous tests.
STARS Recipe function simplifies administration and test configuration. With STARS Recipe, administrators may save source based recipes for recall by operators. With STARS Recipe, pesky test configuration errors may be eliminated. For high capacity applications, STARS performs a commander function driving devices in multiple chamber configurations that may fill an entire room. STARS simplifies management of tests and the associated data. STARS reduces high labor costs associated with other semi-automated applications.

LED Reliability Software STARS

STARS Software Quick Glance
With just one glance, the status of thousands of devices/hundreds of tests is known. Total tests in operation and total power usage are indicated. Color coding indicates where operator actions are required to return test to operational status. Messages indicating required actions are displayed then cleared by the operators once resolved.
With thousands of devices, hundreds of tests running simultaneously, finding a specific load board/test can be difficult. With STARS, define and attach test location tags to your tests. Test location tags may indicate chamber number, ZONE, Lot or any other identifier specific to your test lab. Unique reliability IDs defined by you are used to name the reliability data log files. Management functions simplify planning by displaying and sorting tests by parameters such as duration time remaining. Security features allow technical experts to define security and test parameters.
Define and attach test location tabs to your tests.
Operators do not need to enter test parameters reducing errors and wasted test time. Operators may only need to press “START” button. STARS and SpikeSafe current sources work in tandem to protect devices under test. Three levels of protection parameters are defined by the expert/operator, set in STARS and reported by STARS. With STARS and SpikeSafe, your devices can be protected.
STARS allows independent control of each source channel. With the easy-to-use STARS software interface, users specify key test parameters such as test mode, operating parameters, device protection parameters, and unique test identification. Test mode defines how the device is powered; how current is applied to the device.
STARS Independent Source Channel Control
Test modes include DC, Pulsed, PWM and Modulated Current. Key operating parameters include current, maximum compliance voltage, test duration and any operating mode specific parameters. For example, pulsed test mode requires entry of pulse parameters such as minimum pulse width. During testing, these operating parameters are monitored continuously, time-tagged and output to data log files at a user-specified interval. Failure events are also logged and time-tagged, thus providing details for devices failure analysis. STARS supports independent startup and shutdown of each source channel allowing users to run multiple LED batchs on a single system, maximizing output. Used by the world’s leading LED manufacturers, STARS simplifies controlling and collecting data for crucial reliability tests.
STARS and SpikeSafe current sources work in tandem to protect devices under test. Three levels of protection parameters are defined by the expert/operator, set in STARS, and reported by STARS. Level 1 protection for devices is SpikeSafe hardware specific. SpikeSafe patented transient protection proactively and rapidly shuts down power to devices when an anomaly is detected. Spikesafe protection parameters include over current, over voltage, device open and more with device shutdown as fast as 1us. Level 2 SpikeSafe protections require calculation. For example, a level 2 protection is dv/dt. Level 3 protections are based upon thermal data. With STARS failsafe temperature monitoring, RTD or thermocouples are monitored and compared against operator specified upper and lower limits. When a thermal limit error occurs, power to devices associated with the thermal limit are shutdown. Failsafe temperature monitoring is useful for LM-80 data compliance. Failsafe temperature monitoring is most important to prevent thermal runaway conditions – where the chamber or thermal control has failed yet the devices are still actively heating. With STARS and SpikeSafe, your devices can be protected.
Contact Vektrex for more information