50mA Source Measure Unit

The 50mA Source Measure Unit supplies accurate precision pulsed current with excellent pulse fidelity at low currents. This low-current SMU is designed to meet the test needs of VCSEL singlets, single emitters, micro-devices, nanofin LEDs and other low current light emitting devices. Accurate currents combined with fast rise and fall times plus a precision hardware-controlled timing system that synchronizes source, measure and external instrumentation allow discovery at low currents.

Vektrex 50mA SMU LED load 10mA 50V 50us pulse
Vektrex 50mA SMU LED load 10mA 50V 50us pulse

Learn more about Source Measure Units (50mA to 10A max current) and High Current Source Measure Units (10A to 60A).

💡 Specifications

💡 Python and API Examples
💡 Control Panel Software Application